Thursday, May 8, 2008

Keep on Running

I was pulling on my hood and zipping my coat up when we turned the corner and saw smoke showing from most of the front of the house. I came out the truck door determined to get that line before my captain did, why, because I just want to be first in. I pull and drag and it seems like forever but I get the line ready to go. My Chief is there beside me at the door and my captain is not ready to go, I look inside and the smoke is down close to the floor and I can see where this fire is. I want to put this fire out so I tell the Chief I think I can just go inside a few feet and put this one out, he says go for it. I am in the door before I realize it and putting out fire wherever I can find it. The captain finally catches up and we continue to push through the rest of the house, searching for fire. We come upon a large dog and my captain rescues this dog only to reach the front porch and have the dog crap all over him. Back into the house we go to get some overhaul done because it is just us for the most part. We get it done and catch a drink of water. Our driver takes us back to the station and then the captain realizes we ran over his prescription glasses at the scene, bad day for the probies.

This is a short story from when I was starting out and I remembered to keep a good attitude and keep on running because you have to be determined to persevere in this business. Be good and stay safe, BuckleUp!

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